A new beer cooler prevents unwanted photos. The WtR crew takes a stance on Duckface. Is the TSA on its way out the door? The fate of WebOS is finally decided. Internet censorship? We say no thanks! Siri is Apple’s broken promise to the world. The Rick Perry campaign is apparently not very Internet savvy. Someone may or may not take an arrow to the knee.
- Norte Photoblocker: The Beer Cooler That Prevents Unwanted Photos (But Not Pregnancies)
- http://antiduckface.com/
- TSA Facing Death By a Thousand Cuts
- HP Decides to Open Source WebOS
- I’m Going to Rip My Ears Off Because of These New Annoying Smartphone Ads
- Draft Alternative To SOPA Released
- Afraid SOPA and PROTECT-IP might ruin the Internet? Join the meshnet initiative!
- http://www.reddit.com/r/meshnet
- Star Trek Themed Local Mattress Store Commercial
- Siri Is Apple’s Broken Promise
- RickPerry.com redirects to Ron Paul’s campaign page.
- http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-took-an-arrow-in-the-knee
Oh Asia, You So Crazy![]
Science News[]
Epic Fail![]
‘Mythbusters’ cannonball hits Dublin home, minivan